Personalized Dashboards

Discover how dashboards display role-specific content in Workbase.

Dashboards on Workbase are customized for specific roles within your organization, providing a centralized view of essential content tailored to each role.

What Are Dashboards?

Each role in your organization has its own dashboard, displaying crucial content relevant to that role. When you open Workbase, the dashboard automatically appears based on your assigned role, showing a personalized Dashboard and Newsfeed.

Switching Dashboards

If you have multiple roles assigned, you can switch between dashboards using the dropdown menu located below the Newsfeed. This menu only appears if you have more than one role assigned.

Editing Dashboards

To edit dashboards, you need the appropriate permissions. You must either:

  • Be assigned to the role with administrative privileges.

  • Be an Admin with the “Access to All Content” option enabled in My Settings, which allows you to view and manage all company dashboards.

Frequent Questions

What kind of content can I add to a dashboard?

You can add a variety of content, including links, documents, videos, and widgets supported by our Editor. Dashboards are designed to be flexible and deliver key information effectively.

What kind of content can I add to a dashboard?

You can add a variety of content, including links, documents, videos, and widgets supported by our Editor. Dashboards are designed to be flexible and deliver key information effectively.

What kind of content can I add to a dashboard?

You can add a variety of content, including links, documents, videos, and widgets supported by our Editor. Dashboards are designed to be flexible and deliver key information effectively.

What kind of content can I add to a dashboard?

You can add a variety of content, including links, documents, videos, and widgets supported by our Editor. Dashboards are designed to be flexible and deliver key information effectively.

Can I assign multiple dashboards to one role?

No, each role is assigned a single dashboard. However, you can populate the dashboard with various sections or widgets to cover all necessary areas for that role.

Can I assign multiple dashboards to one role?

No, each role is assigned a single dashboard. However, you can populate the dashboard with various sections or widgets to cover all necessary areas for that role.

Can I assign multiple dashboards to one role?

No, each role is assigned a single dashboard. However, you can populate the dashboard with various sections or widgets to cover all necessary areas for that role.

Can I assign multiple dashboards to one role?

No, each role is assigned a single dashboard. However, you can populate the dashboard with various sections or widgets to cover all necessary areas for that role.

What if I don’t see the Edit option for dashboards?

If the Edit option is not visible, check that you have administrative privileges or that the “Access to All Content” setting is enabled in My Settings. If issues persist, contact your Workbase Administrator for assistance.

What if I don’t see the Edit option for dashboards?

If the Edit option is not visible, check that you have administrative privileges or that the “Access to All Content” setting is enabled in My Settings. If issues persist, contact your Workbase Administrator for assistance.

What if I don’t see the Edit option for dashboards?

If the Edit option is not visible, check that you have administrative privileges or that the “Access to All Content” setting is enabled in My Settings. If issues persist, contact your Workbase Administrator for assistance.

What if I don’t see the Edit option for dashboards?

If the Edit option is not visible, check that you have administrative privileges or that the “Access to All Content” setting is enabled in My Settings. If issues persist, contact your Workbase Administrator for assistance.

Last updated: September 15, 2024